Modern communication and multimedia world demands for more and more bandwidth and channel capabilities. These requirements translate into higher frequencies and more stringent specifications of devices and systems; thus, the role of more accurate measurement is becoming more and more mandatory and complex. To improve the quality of the measurements the proper traceability chain and uncertainty evaluation tools are fundamental not only at research level, but also in the production environments. From modelling verification to yield analysis, from component specifications to production measurement, the knowledge of measurement uncertainty can change the entire ecosystem by providing better understanding of the device under test and of the measurement system.
The talk will address the modern tools and techniques to improve the accuracy and compute uncertainty for microwave measurement. It will span from advanced calibration techniques to the most recent tool for real time uncertainty evaluation. Example will be given on S parameters and other microwave measurements.
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Andrea Ferrero was born in 1962, and he received the Laurea and the Ph.D. in electronic at Politecnico di Torino, Italy, in 1987 and 1992, respectively. During the same period he joined Hewlett Packard Microwave Technology Division in Santa Rosa as visiting scientist and started his career in the same Politecnico di Torino as Assistant Professor. In 1988 he worked for Aeritalia (Gruppo Sistemi Avionici) as Microwave Measurement System consultant on EMC problems for Avionics.

Dr. Michael C. Hamilton is an Associate Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Auburn University and the Assistant Director of the Alabama Microelectronics Science and Technology Center.