13:13 BST
IMS2016’s Technical Program Committee presented “Best Industry Paper” to two of the ten nominees during the conference’s closing ceremony on 26 May. The winning papers were:
- “7kW GaN W-Band Transmitter,” Raytheon RMS, Raytheon IDS, U.S. Army ARDEC, USA
- “Demonstration of 20-Gbps Wireless Data Transmission at 300 GHz for KIOSK Instant Data Downloading Applications with InP MMICs ,“ NTT Device Technology Laboratories, Fujitsu Limited, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan
The Best Industry Paper award was established to recognize
A Microwave/RF innovation of a product or system application that potentially has the highest impact on a RF/ Microwave product and/or system which will significantly benefit the microwave community and society at large
The Technical Program Review Committee made its nominations during the paper selection process. A panel of an independent judges was appointed to attend the sessions and evaluate the presentation.
The panel then then convened to review the 10 nominees, and unanimously agreed that it was a tie.
The IMS2016 Technical Program Committee congratulates the winning and nominated authors, and their companies. Our sincere thanks to all the judges and Chairs/ Co-Chairs of the sessions, in which the nominated papers were presented, for their feedback to the review panel.
Ramesh K Gupta
Chair, Education Committee