Machine Learning in Microwave Engineering
Machine Learning in Microwave Engineering, Guest Editor Costas Sarris and Q.J. Zhang, IEEE Microwave Magazine, to appear in 2021.
The MTT-2 Committee on Design Automation spearheads advances on all aspects of methods, software and technologies of high-frequency circuit and system design. From radio frequency (RF) to terahertz (THz), engineering innovation hinges on the availability of state-of-the-art design automation. Our mission is thus fundamental to the MTT Society and our activities are often in collaboration with many other MTT committees.
* Modelling and simulation of devices, circuits, and systems
* Optimization techniques
* Multi-physics modelling
* Design automation technologies from megahertz to terahertz
* Emerging design automation technologies such as AI, machine learning, and quantum computing
Machine Learning in Microwave Engineering, Guest Editor Costas Sarris and Q.J. Zhang, IEEE Microwave Magazine, to appear in 2021.
Workshop on Recent advances in the efficient small- and large-signal stability analysis of microwave circuits, Organized by organized by Marco Piralo and Amudena Suarez at IMS2021 (Atlanta, Georgia), June 6-11, 2021.
The purpose of LAMC 2021 is to boost technical, scientific, and educational activities on RF and microwave technologies as well as exchanges and collaborations within the international research community. Perspective authors are cordially invited to submit papers in all areas related to microwave technologies, including but not limited to: Passive components and antennas Active components and antennas […]