TC-10 Signal Generation and Frequency Conversion Committee

Mission Statement

Oscillators or clocks are at the heart of all computing, communication, navigation and sensor systems. Frequency multipliers, dividers and mixers are needed to produce multiple frequencies within a system. It is the mission of the MTT-10 Technical Committee to promote the development of signal generation and frequency conversion techniques applied to circuits and systems. This subcommittee will evaluate new developments in the field of RF and microwave oscillators, frequency multipliers and dividers, mixers, and frequency synthesizers.

Field of Interest

* Signal generation and frequency conversion techniques
* Oscillators
* PLLs
* Synthesizers
* Mixers
* Modulators
* Multipliers
* Dividers


IMS 2019
IMS 2019

The International Microwave Symposium is a major showcase for microwave oscillator technology.Don’t miss it!

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Student Competitions
Student Competitions

The goal for the competitors is to compensate the distortion that a GaN power amplifier introduces in a realistic burst-signal scenario. The competition will be based on a unique remote-controlled “WebLab”, which gives everyone access to an advanced wideband modulated PA measurement setup! Students participating in the competition will use the “WebLab” for the development […]

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