09:34 BST


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Matteo Stocchi (PhD student at the University Politecnica delle Marche) and Michael Haider (PhD student at the Technical University of Munich) gave presentations at the Student Design Competitions of the 2017 IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) International Microwave Symposium (IMS) on Tuesday, Jun 6th, 2017 in Honolulu, Hawaii. The competition was entitled “Apps for Radio-Frequency Nanotechnology.” Mr. Stocchi presented a “Multi-physics Simulation of Non-linear Opto-Mechanical Coupling in Micro-structured Resonant Cavities” while Mr. Haider described “Josephson Parametric Microwave Amplifier – An Educational App.” Both the presentations were highly detailed and scientifically rigorous. In both cases, the slides and the demonstration software were clear and understandable to all the members of the committee. A shared first prize was awarded to both students.