Spanish Translations


MTT ADCOM recently allocated some funds to translate some IEEE Microwave Magazine articles into Spanish and Portuguese. The goal of the project is to provide inspiration to students and engineers to learn more about microwaves, and to increase MTT-S visibility with practicing engineers.

If you are not an IEEE MTT-S member, please contact your closest MTT-S Chapter Chair in Latin America, Spain, or Portugal. For a list of MTT Chapters and Chapter officers, go to MTT-S Chapter web pages.

You can download all papers in Spanish and Portuguese from here

S01: RF MEMS para Lograr Conectividad Inalámbrica Universal: Parte 1 Download

– Hector De Los Santos
S01: RF MEMS for Ubiquitous Wireless Connectivity: Fabrication, Héctor J. De Los Santos, Georg Fischer, Harrie A.C. Tilmans, and Joost T.M. van Beek. Translated by Héctor J. De Los Santos.

S02: Más Allá de 3G Download

– Michael Steer
S02: Beyond 3G. After third-generation radio: today’s solution for mobile high-speed data. Michael Steer. Translated by Ramon M. Rodriguez-Dagnino

S03: Notas de Aplicación – Un método simple, basado en Diseño Ayudado por Computadora (CAD), para desarollar y evaluar estándares de calibración Download

– Bill Deal y D. Farks
S03: A Simple CAD-Based Method to Develop and Evaluate Calibration Standards W.R. Deal and D.S. Farkas. Translated by Dr. Roberto S. Murphy Arteaga

S04: Una Representacion Esférica de la Carta de Smith Download

– Chris Zelley
S04: A Spherical Representation of the Smith Chart- A conceptual design aide based around the well-known Smith chart. Chris Zelley. Translated by Pilar Molina Gaudo

S05: Notas de Aplicación – Aplicacion de fmax, ft y fmag en el Diseño con Transistores de Microondas a Frecuencias de Microondas y de Ondas Millméticas Download

– George Vendelin y Shih-Chieh Shin
S05: Applying f_max, f_t, and f_mag for Microwave Transistor Designs at Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Frequencies, George D. Vendelin and Shih-Chieh Shin. Translated by Reydezel Torres Torres

S06: Notas de Aplicación – Caraterizacición de Circuitos Diferenciales mediante Redes de Dos Puertos Download

– Sam Belkin
S06: Differential Circuit Characterization with Two-Port S-Parameters Sam Belkin. Translated by José Ernesto Rayas Sánchez

S07: Notas de Aplicación – Carateización de Conectores Coaxiales Download

– Mark Goodberlet y James Mead
S07: Microwave Connector Characterization, Mark A. Goodberlet and James B. Mead. Translated by Reydezel Torres Torres

S08: RF MEMS para Lograr Conectividad Inalámbrica Universal: Parte 2 Download

– Hector De Los Santos
S08: RF MEMS for Ubiquitos Wireless Connectivity, by H. J. De Los Santos, Georg Fischer, Harrie A.C. Tilmans, and Joost T.M. van Beek. Translated by by Héctor J. De Los Santos.

S10: Un analizador de redes de gran señal: ¿Por qué es necessario? Download

– Wendy Van Moer e Yves Rolain
S10: A Large-Signal Network Analyzer: Why Is It Needed? Making nonlinear effects more visible and allowing understanding of the energy transport mechanisms behind the device operation. Wendy Van Moer and Yves Rolain. Translated by Pilar Molina Gaudo

S11: Aspectos Prácticos para el Desarrollo de Filtros de Microondas Download
– Richard Snyder
S11: Practical Aspects of Microwave Filter Development Developing an appreciation for the cost savings associated with using well-validated filter simulation models rather than the old cut and try approach. Richard V. Snyder. Translated by Ramon M. Rodriguez-Dagnino

S12: Diseño de Filtros de Microondas por Sintesis y Optimización Download

– Dan Swanson y Giuseppe Macchiarella
S12: Microwave Filter Design by Synthesis and Optimization Dan Swanson and Giuseppe Macchiarella. Translated by José Ernesto Rayas Sánchez

S13: El Arte de Escher, la Grafica Smith y la Geometria Hiperbolica Download

– Madhu Gupta
S13: Escher’s Art, Smith Chart, and Hyperbolic Geometry- A conceptual link between artistic creation and a microwave engineering graphical aid, Madhu Gupta. Translated by Dr. Roberto S. Murphy Arteaga

S14: Introducción a las Mediciones para la Caracterización de Transistores de Potencia Download

– Fabien De Groote, Jean-Pierre Teyssier, Tony Gasseling, Olivier Jardel, y Jan Verspecht
S14: Introduction to Measurements for Power Transistor Characterization – Fabien De Groote, Jean-Pierre Teyssier, Tony Gasseling, Olivier Jardel, and Jan Verspecht Translated by Reydezel Torres-Torres

S15: ¿Son los diamantes el mejor amigo de MEMS? Download

– O. Anciello et al.
S15: Are Diamonds a MEMS’ Best Friend?- O. Anciello et al. Translated by Ramón M. Rodriguez-Dagmno

S16: Radio de la Nueva Onda Download

– R. Bosisio et al.
S16: New-Wave Radio- R. Bosisio et al. Translated by José E. Rayas Sánchez

S17: El Osciloscopie de Muestreo como Instrumento de Microondas Download

– D. Williams, P. Hale y K. Remley.
S17: The Sampling Oscilloscope as a Microwave Instrument- D. Williams, P. Hale and K. Remley. Translated by Pilar Molina Gaudó

S18: Tratamiientos de Miicroondas para Enffermedades Cardiiacas Download

– A. Rosen, A. Greenspon y P. Walinsky.
S18: Microwaves Treat Heart Disease- A. Rosen, A. Greenspon and P. Walinsky. Translated by Ramón M. Rodríguez-Dagnino

S19: Calibrción del VNA Download

– A. Rumiantsev y N. Ridler.
S19: VNA Calibration- A. Rumiantsev and N. Ridler. Translated by Roberto S. Murphy Arteaga

S27: Antenas Reconfigurables en Frecuencia para Plataformas Inalámbricas de Multiradios Download

– S. Yang et al.
S27: Frequency- Reconfigurable Antennas for Multiradio Wireless Platforms – S. Yang et al. Translated by Ramón M. Rodríguez-Dagnino

S32: MMICs en el Régimen de Ondas Milimétricas Download

– H. Wang et al.
S32: MMICs in the Millimeter-Wave Regime – H. Wang et al. Translated by Ramón M. Rodríguez-Dagnino

S33: Modulación Mediante la Variación Directa del Campo Cercano de una Antena Download

– A. Babakhani et al.
S33: Near-Field Direct Antenna Modulation – A. Babakhani et al. Translated by Reydezel Torres-Torres

S35: Moniittorreo Remotto de Señalles Viittalles por Radar Download

– C. Li et al.
S35: Radar Remote Monitoring of Vital Signs – C. Li. Translated by José E. Rayas-Sánchez

S36: Tecnologías de Semiconductores para Frecuencias más Altas Download

– A. Scavannec et al.
S36: Semiconductors for High Frequencies – A. Scavannec. Translated by Dr. Roberto S. Murphy Arteaga

S37: Superconductores y Microondas Download

– M. Nisenoff y J. Pond.
S37: Superconductors and Microwaves – M. Nisenoff and J. Pond. Translated by Reydezel Torres-Torres

S39: Mapeo Espacial Download

– S. Koziel et al.
S39: Space Mapping – S. Koziel. Translated by José E. Rayas-Sánchez

S40: Amplifiicadores de Tuboss de Vacío Download

– J. Qiu et al.
S40: Vaccum Tube Amplifiers – J. Qiu et al. Translated by Roberto S. Murphy Arteaga

These articles are intended for personal study; only the original article should be referenced. The original IEEE Microwave Magazine article should be consulted for any questions on the translation.