Portuguese Translations


MTT ADCOM recently allocated some funds to translate some IEEE Microwave Magazine articles into Spanish and Portuguese. The goal of the project is to provide inspiration to students and engineers to learn more about microwaves, and to increase MTT-S visibility with practicing engineers.

If you are not an IEEE MTT-S member, please contact your closest MTT-S Chapter Chair in Latin America, Spain, or Portugal. For a list of MTT Chapters and Chapter officers, go to MTT-S Chapter web pages.

P01: RF MEMS para Conectividade Ubíqua Sem Fio: Parte 1 Download

– Hector De Los Santos
P01: RF MEMS for Ubiquitous Wireless Connectivity: Fabrication, Héctor J. De Los Santos, Georg Fischer, Harrie A.C. Tilmans, and Joost T.M. van Beek. Translated by S. Barbin.

P02: Após 3G Download

– Michael Steer
P02: After 3G – Michael Steer. Translated by Plinio.

P04: Uma Representação Esférica da Carta de Smith Download

– Chris Zelley
P04: A Spherical Representation of the Smith Chart- A conceptual design aide based around the well-known Smith chart. Chris Zelley. Translated by L. Kretly.

P07: Caracterização de Conectores de Microondas Download

– Mark Goodberlet
P07: Microwave Connector Characterization – Mark Goodberlet. Translated by L. Kretly.

P11: Aspectos Prácticos para do Desenvolvimento de Filtros de Microondas Download

– Richard Snyder
P11: Practical Aspects of Microwave Filter Development Developing an appreciation for the cost savings associated with using well-validated filter simulation models rather than the old cut and try approach. Richard V. Snyder. Translated by P. Rodriques

These articles are intended for personal study; only the original article should be referenced. The original IEEE Microwave Magazine article should be consulted for any questions on the translation.