About the journal
The June issue of the Microwave Magazine is out! And this issue samples the Breadth of the MTT. We have fundamental physics combined with practical circuit structures and finally state of the art product development. Time domain techniques can be used to perform dielectric spectroscopy, guided waves can be turned into leaky waves using holographic ideas and we look over chipless RFID printing. I am sure you will enjoy each of these very well done articles. And just before our features you can learn about our four newly elevated Fellows. Each of these has an interesting story to tell.
But the best place to start in the issue is the Editor’s Desk. Here you find a detailed overview of the issue. And from the Editor’s Desk we move into our columns which cover everything from recent events and books to deep thought. Our President’s Column kicks off our society overview with a review of the first Administrative Committee meeting of the year, now named AM1. This is an excellent look into the workings of our society. Our society workings are further explored in the Society News column with a look at how the IEEE is helping people cross the digital divide and how our microwave community has a technical branch down into the UHF, VHF and all the way to HF. As addicted as we are to the Internet many of us still love books, which you can read when the Internet goes down. This issue reviews a classic book on airborne RADAR.
On the deep thought side this issue has a lot to think about, starting with our MicroBusiness and how long it takes to create things versus breaking them. On the creating side our Women in Microwaves column is on how innovative use of new “toys” and programming language can engage kids and facilitate reading in a COVID world. And if you think you really know waves then check out the Around the Globe reprint of the Maxwell Newsletter article on surface waves such as Dyakonov or Voigt. And for those puzzling over power amplifiers our Enigmas column asks you about the R-X plane locus of zero voltage switching operation. Lastly, our Speaker’s Corner column gives us a thoughtful tour of the variety of conferences the MTT-S owns.
And don’t forget to check out the Conference Calendar!
Summary by Alfy Riddle
Current issue