About the journal
Microwaves and Microscopy
The October issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is out! This issue features five articles on Microwave spectroscopy. Not to mention eight columns and a return of one of our favorites, Microwave Bytes. Prepare to learn a lot.
If we begin with the feature articles you actually should start with the Guest Editor’s column by Marco Farina and Mitch Wallis of the RF Nanotechnology Committee as they will describe this issue they have put together. But just to give you a taste, the first article is a tour of scanning microwave impedance microscopy which is used to characterize materials & variations. The second article delves into using near field microscopy to probe nanoscale objects with relatively long wavelength microwaves. Our third article also discusses the Abbe limit and explores biological applications. And some of you may wonder what sound has to do with microwaves. Our fourth article explores how acoustic waves in various materials can be imaged with microwaves. And our fifth article reinforces our ability to break the diffraction limit of our wavelength by using near field techniques. This issue will teach you a lot about materials and measurement.
Circling back the the columns let us begin again but with the Editor’s Desk this time. Here you will find an overview of the entire issue, as well as a few insights. Our President’s Column describes a milestone for the IEEE MTT-S – an open access journal. Read about the creation of this new journal.
Every issue contains thought provoking content, but in this issue MicroBusiness, MicroBytes and Enigmas may be our most thought provoking columns. MicroBusiness examines the challenge of diversity in our industry and research. MicrowaveBytes examines the “proper” way to design power amplifiers. And Enigmas explores our friend the standing wave ratio and the Betrami-Klein disk. A bit more fun for you is our book review on a comprehensive guide to GPS. And while I would like to end with a high note I am afraid our In Memoriam column in this issue is about Earl McCune who contributed much to our industry, PA design, excellent books, and the joy of knowing him.
As always, check out the Conference Calendar.
Summary by Alfy Riddle
Current issue