About the journal
The June issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is out! This issue features microwave filters and if you enjoy filters there is a bit of everything for you. But even if filters are not your focus in life there is plenty in this issue for you. For example, there is another Student Design Competition winner from IMS2019 and this one is on harvesting energy in air. Now back to those filter features – they really something even for those not interested in filters. The filter articles in this issue use 3D printers, waveguides, printed circuit boards and even autonomous tuning. If you have a 3D printer in your lab you know how useful these things are. And everyone can use a bit more automation in their tasks. Each of these articles has a lot of tutorial information which makes them useful for everyone. And technical information is not all the magazine is about. In this issue we celebrate our IEEE Fellows. These people have gone above and beyond to be elevated to Fellow. Join me in reading about what each of them has done and congratulating them.
Of course the best place to start the issue is with the Editor’s Desk column as it will give you a tour of the issue and important news. From there you may want to check out the Guest Editor’s column for all the background on our feature articles or you may want to just turn the page and see what our President’s column is about. Many of us in the MTT Society view this society as an extended family. Our MTT-S president also clearly sees the entire IEEE as an extended family and gives us a bit more insight into the family and how segments like our technical activities board (TAB) and publications work. Our MicroBusiness column is also about family and how we invest in the future of our family. Not just our work family but also our neighbors, daughters and sons. We have columns which make you think in different ways. Our Microwave Surfing and Enigma’s columns both have puzzles for you to solve. For some extra reading you get two book reviews this issue: one on micro-Doppler RADAR and the other on locating threat emitters. Now along with knowing more about our society you also get to keep up with events in our society with columns on our January Radio & Wireless Week Conference and our upcoming Microwave Filter Conference in Italy. Fitting that we get to announce a filter conference in this focused issue on filters. Given that this conference is in October hopefully we will have learned enough to travel and be there in person. Sadly, part of keeping up with our society is learning about the passing of our members. Our In Memoriam column celebrates the life and achievements of Roberto Sorrentino. Please read about his contributions to the MTT-S, the European Microwave Association, and the education of many in electromagnetic and filters.
We also have one of my favorite columns in this issue and that is “Speaker’s Corner”. This column explores what we are doing wrong as well as what we are doing right in our conferences. Don’t be shy about giving us some feedback! Our letters column is waiting for you.
And as always don’t forget the conference Calendar!
By Alfy Riddle
Current issue