About the journal
The November issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is out! And this issue features filters and remote microwave education. There is even an Application Note on tunable filters for 5G base stations. We have reconfigurable filters from bandgap structures and antennas that are filters. Remote education has gone from useful to essential in the past year. The article in this issue presents a comprehensive tour of remote education. And don’t take my word for it – check out the Editor’s Desk column for the real scoop on this issue.
Never forget to check out the columns! You can tour them by your curiosity or as you page through them but there is a lot to enjoy, learn and think about here. For information we have a book review on a guide to Terahertz electronics, an invitation to the 14th German Microwave Conference, the dark side of microwaves being used to attack people in embassies is discussed in our Health Matters column, and a sad note of another passing of another microwave engineer and educator, Hristo Hristov.
Moving on to things to think about, our President’s column reviews the second AdCom meeting of the year and our partnerships with other societies. Our MicroBusiness column explores nurture versus nature. I certainly remember the mentors and opportunities I have had. Our Microwave Surfing column explores when trash is dangerous and what we may do about it. Technically speaking our Enigmas column is back to plane geometry. And our Speaker’s Corner gets very technical on the power of direct matrix analysis versus all that even and odd mode stuff.
Enjoy the issue! And check out the Conference Corner.
Summary by Alfy Riddle
Current issue