About the journal
The March issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is out! This issue features digital signal processing for RFID. These features are brought to you by the MTT-15 and MTT-26 technical societies. Our features start with RFID readers going all digital. And in that same vein the second feature describes making low cost software defined RFID readers with information on all aspects of the system. The third article is also on software defined RFID but covers more about security and testing. And our final feature is about RFID reading robots.
And I know you will enjoy the variety and content of the columns in this issue. Steve Cripps is back with Microwave Bytes! The columns this month cover almost every aspect of our society. And you should start with the Editor’s Desk to get an overview of the issue – and then sneak a peak at the Guest Editor’s Desk to learn even more about the features. Our columns tell us about our society, as in the President’s column giving us bios of new ADCOM members, our Society News with a new student chapter, our Conference Calendar, and in the passing of one of our giants, George Matthaei. Our columns also inform us about how microwaves can affect our health in Health Matters, as well as useful tips on New Products and a book review of a must-have reference on antenna technology. There are also thought provoking columns such as Microwave Bytes on coupling and the Enigma’s puzzle of zero voltage switching. To round out our thought provoking columns there is our MicroBusiness pointing out the useful aspects of failure. Enjoy the issue!
And Happy Pi Day!
Written by Alfy Riddle
Current issue