About the journal
The November issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is out! This issue reminds us of our origins in RADAR and is titled “Scanning the MTT Horizon” and our horizon is the breadth of the MTT. The feature articles are the big show in each issue. This issue has four feature articles and an Application Note. As a short preview of the feature articles we have articles on using energy tunneling to enhance microwave measurements, system packaging solutions with organic substrates like liquid crystal polymers and printable circuits, using surface waves in periodic structures to spoof surface plasmon polaritons and create enhanced circuits, and enhancing planar circuits for lower noise VCOs. Our Application Note shows further developments in planar structures by making multiple folds in hairpin resonators for smaller filters. For more information on our feature articles, as well as a detailed overview of this issue, check out the Editor’s Desk column.
While the feature articles and application notes may be the main attraction in each issue, the columns are the backbone. After the Editor’s Desk check out the President’s Column to find out about recent initiatives benefiting members (you). One of the great pleasures in the magazine is announcing awards. This issue celebrates Jozef Modelski becoming an Honorary Life Member. I am sure you will enjoy reading about all he has done for our society. And speaking of accomplishing things, our MicroBusiness column discusses the positive aspect of saying “No” and the lure of shiny objects on the way to accomplishing things. Following on the theme of attractive objects is the Microwave Surfing column which explores those unexplained flying objects and the antenna systems we are using to see if we can find signs of intelligent life outside our solar system. Closer to home our Health Matters column explores the ongoing studies to determine if cell phone radiation can cause cancer. This column will tell you about what the U.S. National Toxicology Program found. One of the important aspects of our columns is our society. Our Society News column discusses changes in our Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. Our Conference Report discusses the recent Wireless Power Week in London and our Ombuds Officer tackles our members questions from technical problems to membership services. To finish the issue, we have a review of New Products from the industry.
And as always don’t forget the Conference Calendar. I know you will enjoy the issue!
By Alfy Riddle
Current issue