About the journal
The June issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is out! The June issue is traditionally about “The Breadth of the MTT” so you will enjoy articles touching on a wide variety of topics. This issue includes an application note with a detailed tutorial on using SPICE to do electromagnetic simulations through the partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) method. This technique can help you approximate many printed circuit board traces without resorting to a full electromagnetic simulator. Our other articles span the range from integrated magnetics to the evolution of power amplifiers. And in between we have very practical articles on how cognitive radio can sense open spectrum (or white space) and how chipless RFID can bring the cost of RFID down toward bar code levels. Our integrated magnetics article provides an excellent overview of magnetics and a different use of spin than is discussed in our MicroBusiness column. And the 5G power amplifier article is not just another bit in the evolution of power amplifiers but a nice examination of the evolutionary tree of power amplifiers.
As always the magazine has columns. The Editor’s Desk will give you a more detailed overview of the magazine than this summary. And the President’s column will give you insight into the operation of the MTT society and our Technical Activities Board, as well as information on the upcoming open access MTT journal. Never pass up our MicroBusiness column. This issue covers a thoughtful reflection on the spin (and not the magnetic kind) we encounter in our daily lives from people wanting to tell us what to think. Finally, there is a book review on microwaves and biomedical applications, a conference report on Radio and Wireless Week in Orlando and a New Products column.
Don’t forget to check out the Conference Calendar. I know you will enjoy this issue!
Current issue