About the journal
Spheres of Interest
Our July issue of the Magazine is out! We have some really great feature articles this month, as usual. Three features and an Application Note to be exact. Our first article covers what type of signals are best for electrical interconnects. Not just wireless signals, which have more complicated modulation schemes. The need to get more bits in fewer wires and having the processing power to decode signals has really changed wired connections. Multilevel digital signals have some distinct advantages and the trade offs are discussed in the first article. Our second article is titled Pole-Zero Identification but is really about stability analysis. We can calculate K-Factors from S-Parameters but our multistage amplifiers need methods well beyond K-Factor analysis. Have a read about using this signal processing technique to aid your stability analysis. And if you thought all circulators used ferrites and were bulky, then read our third feature and find out about how the world is changing. Being able to have circulators on a CMOS chip will change many things and none more than simultaneous transmit and receive (STAR or full duplex). Check out our article and learn about the problems and the solutions. Application Notes are different from our normal tutorial or overview articles – they will focus as a tutorial on a particular circuit or technique and not so much overview depth. This issue discusses ring resonators in planar balanced circuits.
As always we have our columns which inform you about the magazine, society and world around us. Our Editor’s Desk column will tell you all about the issue and why “Sphere’s of Interest” pertains to our Technical Committees. In this issue our President’s column focuses on the MTT website. We are constantly trying to improve our website with content and interaction. For the nerd in all of us the Microwave Surfing column educates us about microwaves, measurements, and grapes. Our MicroBusiness column tackles creativity and processes. As engineers we love being creative and put up with the need to document, but there is more to the story. The past few years have had far too many In Memoriam columns and sadly this issue has one more. Please take the time to read about what Prof. Bardin has done for our society, students, and South America. Our Education News column is about scholarships. We can easily see improvements in our diversity through these scholarships. And that leads into the Women in Engineering column. This column covers the interaction and confusion of cultures, the evolution of a professor and the growth of a society. Finally check out our Ombuds Officer as he clears up confusions and rights wrongs.
As always, please enjoy the issue. And don’t forget to check out the Conference Calendar.
Current issue