About the journal
The February issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is out. This issue focuses on a second look at Aerospace Applications. And we have a full set of columns to round out the issue. Our Editor’s Desk column will give you the full tour of this issue but for now we hope you enjoy this quick summary. Also, for the features the Guest Editor’s column gives us an overview of how Technical Committee 29 has put this issue together.
Our first feature gives us a tour of how low earth orbit satellites are designed. Our second feature is about how integrated circuits are changing our satellite designs. And our third feature is about how wireless power transfer is used in everything from satellite-to-earth power to powering biological implants. Now our columns will start with Society information. The Conference Report on the RFIT conference in Busan, South Korea and IC- MAM 2022 were both big successes. Our Society News focuses on our Inter-Society panel at IMS 2022. Few realize how much work is involved in inter-society efforts within the IEEE. And Around the Globe reviews the Region 8 Officers Meeting. Our Women in Microwaves focuses on Distinguished Microwave Lecturers. Next our Young Professionals report on how chaos is an opportunity. And our latest report from our Ombudsman covers a number of technical questions and assistance to members.
Next we take a look at our more thought provoking columns. Our MicroBusiness takes a long look at what is science and what is belief. Then our Educator’s Corner sheds some light on RC distributed lines. New Products are always interesting- from cooperative modeling efforts to a 1-65 GHz dual directional couplers and a tiny 14 GHz one-port vector network analyzer. Finally our Enigmas, etc. column solves our battery charging problem from last month.
And don’t forget to check out our Conference Calendar.
Summary by Alfy Riddle, Ph.D.
Quanergy Systems, Inc.
Current issue