Yalcin Ayasli received the, B.S. degree from Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey, in 1968. His graduate study was at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he received the M.S. degree in 1970 and the SC.D. in 1973, both in electrical engineering. His doctoraf thesis research on “Magnetic Semiconductor Interactions” was performed with the microwave and Quantum Magnetics Group at MIT. From 1973 until 1979, he was a member of the faculty of engineering at Middle East Technicaf University. His teaching responsibilities included undergraduate and graduate courses on electromagnetic theory, microwave theory, and the electrodynamics of waves, media, and interactions. He also served as Assistant Chairman to the Electrical Engineering Department. In September of 1979, he joined the Semiconductor Laboratory of the Raytheon Research Division, where he has been actively engaged in theoretical and expenmentaf studies of microwave monolithic integrated-circuit techniques involving field-effect transistors and related devices. He is presently leading a device and circuit design group and a wafer fabrication line with the responsibifity of developing new monolithic circuit technology. Dr. Ayasli is the author of a number of technical papers.