Vrushali Bokil

Vrushali Bokil



  • Associate Editor, J-MMCT Editors, J-MMCT, Publications**


Vrushali Bokil received her Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Houston in 2003 under the direction of Professor Roland Glowinski. Before coming to Oregon State University, she was a postdoctoral research associate at the Center for Research in Scientific Computation at North Carolina State University, under the mentorship of Professor H.T. Banks. Professor Bokil’s general research interests are in applied mathematics, scientific computing, numerical analysis and mathematical biology. Her primary research interests are in the numerical solution of wave propagation problems. Specifically, she has conducted research on the numerical solution of Maxwell’s equations using a variety of finite difference and finite element methods. Bokil is also working on several problems in mathematical ecology which involve the construction and analyses of deterministic and stochastic models for applications in population dynamics, epidemiology and spatial ecology.

Dr. Bokil is currently a co-PI on an NSF funded project OP: Collaborative Research: Compatible Discretizations for Maxwell Models in Nonlinear Optics in collaboration with Drs Yingda Cheng at Michigan State and Fengyan Li at RPI. The objective of the collaborative research program is to make significant advances in the understanding and simulations of Maxwell models in nonlinear optics. Dr. Bokil has also received funding via the Thomas Jefferson Fund launched by the French-American Cultural Exchange (FACE) Foundation for her project Mathematical epidemiology of viruses coinfecting plants: Modeling, Analysis and Optimal Control Strategies, with French collaborator, Professor Frederic Hamelin of Agrocampus Ouest in Rennes, France.

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