Tushar Sharma

Tushar Sharma



  • Member, Working Group: Chips Act, Technical Coordination & Future Directions Committee, Standing Committees**
  • Microwave World Digital Forum, Members (non-voting), Meetings and Symposia Committee, Standing Committees**
  • Past-Chair, Electronic Information Committee, Standing Committees**


Tushar Sharma (Member, IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Calgary, Canada, in 2018. He has completed a Postdoctoral Research at the Integrated Micro-Systems Research Laboratory, Princeton University, NJ, USA. He is currently a Country Head of the Renesas-TCS Joint Innovation Center and a Visiting Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India. He joined as an Institute Adjunct Faculty at the Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc), Bengaluru, in 2021. He has more than 50 publications in international journals and conferences along with four granted patents. His research interests include high frequency novel reconfigurable techniques in RF and mm-wave transmitters, broadband high-power gallium nitride (GaN) power amplifiers, large signal device modeling, technology characterization, digital signal processing, mm-Wave amplifiers, and waveform engineering. He was a Youngest Elected Member on IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTTS) adcom. He was a recipient of the IMS 2020 Best Industry Paper Award, the 2019/2020 IMS Best Student paper Award, the Izaak Walton Killam Pre-doctoral Scholarship, the Alberta Science and Innovation under 30 Future Leader Award, the Alberta Innovates Technology Future Doctoral Scholarship, the Alberta Transformative Talent Scholarship, the IEEE Education Activity Board Pre-Educator Award, the IEEE MGA Young Professionals Achievement Award, and the University of Calgary 2018 Early Achievement Alumni Award.

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