Spyridon Daskalakis

Spyridon Daskalakis



  • Member, TC-26 RFID, WIRELESS SENSOR AND IOT, Technical Committees**


Spyridon Nektarios Daskalakis (S’12) was born in Heraklion, Greece in 1991. He received with excellence his Engineering Diploma and the M.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Technical University of Crete (TUC) in 2014 and 2016, respectively. He is also recipient of a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from School of Engineering and Physical Sciences  Heriot-Watt university, Edinburgh, UK. His current research interests include low-power, low-cost wireless sensor networks and RF energy harvesting. Particularly he has focused on backscatter radio communication, batteryless sensors, low cost software-defined radio, environmental sensing and RF energy harvesters.
He has received fellowship awards by the Clinton Global Initiative University 2014 (USA), the Onassis Foundation (graduate studies 2015/16 scholarship), the Lloyds Register Foundation (LRF) and the International Consortium in Nanotechnology (ICON). He was a recipient for two short-term scientific mission grands from COST Action IC1301 WiPE in School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta in 2016, and the Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya, Barcelona in 2015. He is also a recipient of MTT-S Graduate Fellowship for 2019 from IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society and recipient of 1st and 2nd Year Postgraduate Research Prizes from Heriot-Watt University. Personal Website: www.daskalakispiros.com
Contact Spyridon Daskalakis

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