Priyanka Mondal received her B.Tech and M.Tech degrees in Radio Physics and Electronics from the University of Calcutta in 2002 and 2004, respectively. She earned her Ph. D degree from the department of Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur in 2009.
She is currently working at Lytid SAS. Her research interest includes millimeter-wave Schottky diode based frequency multipliers, mixers, amplifiers, sub-systems, antennas and transmission lines. She has worked at various academic as well as industrial organizations in three different continents on the scientific projects on planar passive components, slotted waveguide planar antenna array, ultra-wideband pulse generation, substrate integrated nonradiative waveguides, substrate integrated waveguide antennas, subharmonic mixers, GaAs and GaN Schottky diode based high power frequency multipliers. She has authored/co-authored sixty-one peer reviewed technical papers and reviews for various IEEE journals and conferences. She is very enthusiastic to contribute to the scientific community for extending knowledge and betterment of life.