The recipient of the 1984 Microwave Applications Award is Paul J. Meier of the AIL Division of Eaton
Corporation. Mr. Meier is cited “for pioneering development of fin-line transmission medium and related
components using photo-lithographic techniques.”
Paul J. Meier was born in New York, NY in 1936. He received the B.E. E. degree from Manhattan College,
New York, NY in 1958 and the Master of Science from Long Island University, Greenvale, NY in 1969,
From 1958 to 1965, Mr. Meier was employed by Wheeler Laboratories (now part of Hazeltine Corporation), first as a Development Engineer and then as a Senior Development Engineer. At Wheeler Laboratories his work included the study of dielectric-lined and periodically-loaded circular waveguides and their
application to phased-array radiators and polarization converters.
In 1966, Mr. Meier joined Airborne Instrument Laboratories, now the AIL Division of Eaton Corporation.
As a Project Engineer in the Radar Techniques Department, he was responsible for the development of
phased-array antenna elements and ferrite phase-shifters. He later served as a Project Engineer in the
Applied Electronics Division, where he was engaged in the development of a high-power, solid-state
switch, an X-band sweeping receiver, and a multibeam quasi-optical millimeter-wave receiver. He is
currently a Staff Consultant in the Receiver Systems and Technology Department, where he is developing
millimeter-wave hybrid and monolithic integrated circuits.
Mr. Meier appropriately holds the U.S. patent for Integrated Fin-Line and has developed switches,
mixers, filters, oscillators, circulators, and attenuators using fin-line in the 30 to 100 GHz range.
Mr. Meier has published over 30 papers on microwave and millimeter-wave components. He is a
member of the IEEE, its Microwave Theory and Techniques Society, and Eta Kappa Nu. He served on the
Executive Committee of the New York/Long Island Chapter of MTT-S from 1970 to 1975 and was its
Chairman in 1972–1 973. Mr. Meier served on the MTT-6 Technical Committee from 1977 to 1980 and is
currently a member of the Standards Committee on Planar Transmission Lines.