Mohammad Zarifi

Mohammad Hossein Zarifi


School of Engineering at the University of British Columbia




Mohammad Hossein Zarifi  (Ph.D. PEng, PRC Tier II, SMIEEE), received the B.Sc., MSc. and Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Tabriz, Iran, in 2004, 2006 and 2009 respectively. He is currently an Associate Professor and Tier II Principal’s Research Chair (PRC) in Sensors and Microelectronics with the School of Engineering at the University of British Columbia, and the director of Okanagan MicroElectronics and Gigahertz Applications laboratory (OMEGA Lab), Canada. Prior joining UBC, Dr. Zarifi was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Alberta from 2013-2017. He has authored or coauthored more than 75 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings as well as 5 issued or pending patents. Dr. Zarifi received CMC-NRC first place award, on industrial collaboration, for the innovative microwave sensors, in Canada, at 2015. Dr Zarifi’s research focus on millimetre-wave and terahertz (THz) theory and techniques, antenna sensors, circuits and systems, microwave, advanced electronic packaging, analog/mixed-signal structures, wearable sensors, microwave and millimeter sensors, and flexible electronics for communication and sensing applications. Dr. Zarifi is a member of IEEE MTT-S TC-26 “RFID, Wireless Sensor and IoT”, a member of IEEE MTT-S TC-4 “Microwave Passive Components and Transmission Line Structures”, a senior member of the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society, a senior member of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, and has served as a reviewer for several journals and conferences. Dr. Zarifi is also the recipient of the Emerging Researcher Award and the Best Teaching Award at the School of Engineering in 2020 and 2021, respectively.

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