Marc Vanden Bossche

Marc Vanden Bossche


National Instruments, Belgium


  • Member, TC-3 MICROWAVE MEASUREMENTS, Technical Committees**


Marc Vanden Bossche received the degree of electrotechnical – mechanical engineer from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium in 1984 and the Ph.D. degree from the same university in electrical engineering in 1990 focusing on the foundation of high frequency large-signal network analysis.
From 1985 to 1987, he was a Research Assistant of the National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium, before joining the Hewlett Packard Company in 1987 working towards his PhD. In 1991 he established a Hewlett Packard R&D team in Belgium continuing to work on characterization and system-level modelling tools for high frequency nonlinear electrical components. In collaboration with NIST, a phase calibration standard was established in the second half of the 90’s merging network and signal analysis. As part of Agilent Technologies, he led the team, developing large – signal network analysis tools for RF, microwave and high-speed digital components, resulting into the nonlinear capabilities of the VNA. In June 2003 Marc founded NMDG to develop, commercialize and evolve large-signal characterization services and solutions. NMDG was acquired by National Instruments in October 2012. At NI, team and himself introduce vector calibration techniques into the NI RF production test systems. Presently he is technically leading forth looking projects related to realistic wideband and over the air characterization.
Marc is senior IEEE member and member of MTT3 – Microwave Measurements Committee. He was a corecipient of the 2002 ARFTG Technology Award and recipient of two ARFTG Best Paper Awards and is author of 10 patents.

Contact Marc Vanden Bossche

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