Luca Roselli

Luca Roselli


University of Perugia

Via G. Duranti 93, 06125 Perugia Italy


  • Associate Editor, Microwave Magazine, Publications**
  • Member, TC-8 RF NANOTECHNOLOGY, Technical Committees**
  • Member, TC-26 RFID, WIRELESS SENSOR AND IOT, Technical Committees**
  • Speakers bureau, TC-8 RF NANOTECHNOLOGY, Technical Committees**
  • Topic Editor, JMW Editors, Journal of Microwaves, Publications**


Luca Roselli (M’92–SM’01–F’18) joined the University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy, in 1991 where he is currently teaching “Electronic circuits” and “Electronic Systems and Circuits for IoT) and is coordinating the High Frequency Electronics Laboratory as a Professor of Electronics.

In 2000, he founded the spin-off WiS Srl, Foligno, Italy. In 2005 he founded a second spin-off DiES Srl, Foligno Italy, and in 2019 he founded a third spin-off LGE Srl, Perugia, Italy.

He has authored over 300 international contributions peer reviwed (H-i 35, i10 112, and over 4500 citations in Scholar) and the book Green RFID Systems (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2014). His current research interests include HF electronic systems with special attention to RFID, new materials, wireless power transfer and Electronics for IoT in general.

Luca Roselli was a member of the Board of Directors of ART Srl, Perugia, Italy, from 2008 to 2012. He is also a member of the list of experts of the Italian Ministry of Research, he had been serving as panelist for the ERC Panel PE7 for 8 years, he served as a Chair of some IEEE TCs (RFID, RF Nanotechnologies, Wireless Power Transfer), and as a member of IMS TPRC since 1998 till 2020. He was also the Co-Chair of the IEEE Wireless Sensor Network Conference. He organized the VII Computational Electromagnetic Time Domain in 2007 and the first IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference in 2013. He is also an Associate Editor of the IEEE Microwave Magazine and a reviewer for many international journals, including the PROEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, and IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS.


“Green RFID”: an enabling technology towards the Internet of Things (IoT) world

A brief description of the present and future scenario correlated to ICTs will be illustrated. Environmental implication of present societal and technological trends will be analyzed in order to address the most important and relevant issues. On the basis of this analysis, RFID, as an enabling approach compatible with the described scenario, will be introduced and motivated. Future environmentally friendly technologies and architectures, suitable for “green RFID” implementation, will be introduced, namely: paper printed circuits, organic materials, chip-less tag, harmonic RFID, autarkic sensor nodes, CNT based RFID gas sensors and so on. Some application proposals will be reported in order to illustrate the groundbreaking vision enabled by “green RFID” approach; in particular it will be shown the potentiality of the “green RFID” technologies toward the development of a new concept of indoor localization systems and assisted paths as well as the capability of massive use of green RFID tags for extensive monitoring and for measurements in harsh environments where high numbers of wireless sensors is needed without the possibility to recover them. These example applications will be used to draw final considerations about future developments, challenges and perspectives. It is worth noticing that this topic is, at present, the main one of a book recently committed to myself by Cambridge Press, entitled “Green RFID”, to be published in 2013.

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