Linus Maurer “For outstanding early career contributions to the microwave profession.”
Linus Maurer was born in Steyr, Austria, in 1972. He received the Dipl.-Ing. Degree in Physics and his Dr. techn. Degree from the
Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria, in 1997 and 2001, respectively. Dr Maurer started his PhD in 1998 at the Siemens Semiconductor Division, Munich. From 1999 to 2001 he w as research engineer at the Institute for Communications and Information
Engineering of the Johannes Kepler University Linz. During this time Dr Maurer was engaged in the development of a highly integrated zero-IF based UMTS compliant RF receiver in cooperation with Infi neon Technologies Munich. In 2002 Dr. Maurer joined
DICE, an Infi neon Technologies design center dedicated to the development of cellular RF-transceivers and ICs for automotive Radar applications. Dr.
Maurer was responsible for the innovation projects of the cellular division of DICE including all externally co-funded projects from 2004 to 2006. In this
position he was engaged in several EC co-funded projects like LEMON, GAWAIN, E2R and E2R-II. He is currently site-manager for the Sense&Control division of DICE overlooking the Automotive Radar and Wireless Control development activities. He is recipient of the ITG-award 2002 and the EEEfCOM
award 2002 for his work on the system design of UMTS compliant RF-transceivers and co-recipient of the EEEfCOM award 2006 for his contributions to
the development of all digital phase-locked loops targeted at RF-applications. In 2007 he has been appointed IEEE Distinguished Microwave Lecturer.
His main research interests are focused on the simulation of wireless communication and Radar systems with special emphasis on RF related signal
impairments, RF transceivers in deep submicron CMOS technologies, frequency agile RF architectures, mixed signal technology and digital front-end
enhanced RF transceivers. He has authored and co-authored over 100 publications in these fi elds and has given numerous international presentations
and tutorials.