Kiki Ikossi

Kiki Ikossi


6275 Gentle Ln Alexandria, VA, USA


  • 2012 - 2018, Letters Past Associate Editors, Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters, Publications**
  • 2020-2024, Letters Past Track Editors, Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters, Publications**
  • Member, TC-12 MICROWAVE HIGH-POWER TECHNIQUES, Technical Committees**
  • Working Group Publications, Subcommittee: Women in Microwaves (WiM), Member and Geographic Activities Committee, Standing Committees**


Dr. Ikossi has Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of  Cincinnati with an emphasis in Solid State Electronics, and a B.S.E.E. from the National Technical  University of Athens (EMP), Greece. 

Dr. Ikossi’s area of professional expertise is in advanced micro and nanoelectronic devices in exploratory materials. Her research interests include high–frequency, high-efficiency power amplifiers, nano-optoelectronics, sensors, detectors, photovoltaics, quantum effects for solid-state devices, and unconventional materials for device applications. She has published over 100 scientific papers, numerous invention disclosures, and a US patent. 

Dr. Ikossi has held positions in academia, major research labs, and government. She was a tenured  Associate Professor at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA; a research professor and adjunct  Professor at George Mason University Fairfax, VA, an adjunct professor at Northern Virginia  Community College, a senior scientist at the electronics lab at Wright Paterson Air Force Base,  Dayton, Ohio; an AAEE faculty research fellow and senior scientist at the Naval Research Laboratory,  Washington, D.C., a technology advisor for the Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industries and  Securities, Office of National Security and Technology Transfer Control, a science and technology program manager for basic science research programs chemical and biological label-free sensors with DoD, where she created a new program in nanosensors, THz sensing, quantum sensing, and cell biosensing. She has been President of I-Cube Inc. and 2020-2022 American Association for the  Advancement of Science (AAAS)-Science and Technology Policy Fellow at the National Science  Foundation (NSF) in Alexandria VA, where she worked on developing policy for programs in underwater sciences and quantum sensing. She is currently an independent science and technology policy consultant. 

Dr. Ikossi has served as chair of the IEEE Washington DC Section (2007), the IEEE Northern Virginia  Section (2017), and President of the Washington Academy of Science (2009-10). She served on the steering committees for the IEEE MTT International Microwave Symposium (IMS) IMS 2018 in  Philadelphia, PA, and IMS 2024 in Washington DC. She has served as Chair and was a founding member of the IEEE-Women in Engineering in the Washington-Northern Virginia-Baltimore area affinity group that was the 3rd IEEE WIE group founded worldwide. She is a Life Senior Member of  IEEE and a Fellow of Washington Academy of Sciences. 

Currently Serving in IEEE Committees: 

IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Transactions Editorial Board – Associate Editor

IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters (MWCL) Editorial Board – Track Editor

IEEE-Microwave Magazine Guest Editor, Special Issue on WIM R&D 

IEEE MTT Washington DC Northern Virginia Joint Chapter, Vice Chair 

IEEE-MTT-12 High Power Amplifiers Technical Coordination Committee  

IEEE MTT-S Graduate Student Scholarships, TPRC RWW, COMCAS, Reviewer

IEEE MTT, APL, Elsevier, University Quality Assurance, NSF,

NIST, DoE, Reviewer IEEE MTT-S Women in Microwaves, Board member

Contact Kiki Ikossi

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