Jose Jimenez


Qorvo, Inc.

500 W Renner Rd., Richardson, TX 75080


Jose Jimenez is a R&D Sr. Fellow at Qorvo. He received the B.A (1992) in Electrical Engineering from the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid and the Ph. D. (1996) in Electrical Engineering from Columbia University in New York. He is also a La Caixa Fellow and a Beckman Fellow. Jose Jimenez has worked in both integrated optics and in transport and optoelectronics semiconductor devices for the last twenty years in Telefonica R&D (Spain), T. J. Watson IBM Research Laboratory, Beckman Institute and Nanovation Technologies. For the last twenty years, he has been part of the R&D organization of Qorvo leading the efforts first in 4” inch optoelectronics devices (DFB lasers and high speed photo-detectors) and later in GaN FETs. He holds 11 patents and has written more than 100 articles. He is currently a technical committee emeritus chair for the RF/5G/mmW chapter of the International Reliability Physics Symposium, and a committee member of the European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices and the Microwave Theory & Technology Society. At Qorvo, Jose is a member of the GaN technology steering and patent committees.

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