John Walker received his BSc in Electronic Engineering, his MSc in
Microwaves and Communications, and his PhD in Microwave Directional Filters
from the University of Leeds in 1970, 1971 and 1975, respectively.
In 1974 he joined GEC Hirst Research Centre to work on the design of microwave
transistor amplifiers, and subsequently became group leader of the Impatt
Diode activity and Chief Engineer of the Compound Semiconductor Laboratory.
In 1984 he joined Thorn-EMI Electronics as Microwave Hybrids Manager, and in
1995 he took up a position as RF Division Manager at Semelab plc
where he had overall responsibility for the company’s RF power transistors.
In 2011 John became European Sales Manager for Integra Technologies, Inc.
John is a Senior Member of IEEE and was the editor and co-author of the books
“High Power GaAs FET Amplifiers” and “Classic works in RF Engineering”, both published by Artech House.
He is also the editor of “Handbook of RF & Microwave Power Amplifiers” published by Cambridge University Press.