James L. Vorhaus


  • 1986, Microwave Prize, Past Awardees**


From 1973 to, 1976, he was a Research Assistant in a low-temperature physics laboratory at the University of Illinois. His work involved state-of-the-art measurements of the specific heat and thermaf conductivity of various materials at very low temperatures and resulted in a better understanding of the nature of the electron-phonon and phonon-dislocation interactions in metallic systems. In 1976, he joined the Raytheon Research Division as a member of the Semiconductor Laboratory. His responsibilities have included developing and improving processing technology, ion-implantation technology, and materiaf and device evaluation techniques for low-noise and single-gate, multicell high-power FET’s and dual-gate FET’s for both smafl signal and high-power applications. Presently, he is manager of a program for development of the designs of and fabrication processes for GaAs monolithic microwave integrated circuits primarily for phased-array systems. Dr. Vorhaus