J.K. McKinney

J.K. McKinney



  • 2015, Distinguished Service Award, Past Awardees**
  • Chair, Subcommittee: SINC, IMS Executive Committee, Standing Committees**
  • Chair, Subcommittee: Marketing, IMS Executive Committee, Standing Committees**
  • Chair, IMS Executive Committee, Standing Committees**
  • Member, Subcommittee: IMS Rebranding, IMS Executive Committee, Standing Committees**
  • Member, Subcommittee: IMS Reorganization Advisory, IMS Executive Committee, Standing Committees**


J.K. McKinney received his BEE degree from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1982. Upon graduation, his industrial career consisted of employment at General Dynamics located in Pomona, California where he worked on many advanced and classified projects for the aerospace industry (1983-1992). J.K. was also in the employ of Maury Microwave Corporation in Rancho Cucamonga, California where he maintained the position of Applications Engineer and Western Regional Sales Manager (1992-1994). In 1994, he joined Dura Electronic Sales as a manufacturers representative (Southern California territory) working in adjunct with the Northern California territory and office. From 1997 to present day, J.K. is the President and CEO of Dura Sales of Southern California based in Diamond Bar, California. JK has been an active IEEE MTT-S member since 1981 and has been involved in numerous facets of the organization. His varied IMS contributions have included: Vice-Chair, Publicity Committee (1989); Chair, Publicity Committee (1994); Chair, Local Arrangements (1999); Chair, Finance Committee (2005); General Chair (2010); Chair, IMS Marketing Committee (2012-2014); IMSEC member, inception-present day; IMSEC chair (2012); Member, IMS Exhibitor Contract Negotiating committee (2006-2007, 2014); Member, SINC Committee (2013-present). J.K.’s past multiple contributions for MTT-S ADCOM were: member of the Membership Services Committee (under Mario Maury); elected member from 1997-1999, Chapter Activities; and Associate Editor Microwave Magazine – membership benefits (2006-2009). JK currently lives in Chino Hills with his wife, Linda. They have two grown children.

Contact J.K. McKinney

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