Hongtao Xu

Hongtao Xu


Fudan University, Shanghai, China


  • 2020-2025, Letters Past Associate Editors, Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters, Publications**
  • Member, TC-23 WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, Technical Committees**


Hongtao Xu received the M.A. in Economics in 2003 and Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2005 respectively, both from the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB).  From 2005 to 2015, he was a staff research scientist with Intel Labs, Hillsboro, Oregon. Since 2015, he has been with Fudan University as a full professor in School of Microelectronics. His technical interests include RF/mmWave integrated circuits and system in advanced CMOS, ultra-low power SoC and high performance device fabrication, modeling and characterization. He has published more than 50 journal and conference papers, and 13 US patents. He is a steering member and a Technical Program Committee member for IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC). He serves as a Guest Editor of IEEE Journal of Solid-state Circuits (JSSC) and an Associate Editor of IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters (MWCL).

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