Guillaume Ducournau

Guillaume Ducournau


+33 (0)3 20 19 78 47


IEMN – UMR 8520
Avenue Poincaré
59650 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex


  • Vice-Chair, TC-21 Terahertz Technology and Applications, Technical Committees**


G. Ducournau received his MsC degree and PhD degree in 2002 and 2005, respectively. Since 2007, his is with IEMN. G. Ducournau is mainly involved in THz communications research using optoelectronic THz photomixers, THz instrumentation and imaging. He has >15 years of experience in the domain of optical fibers technology and THz instrumentation. In order to carry out his research, he developed several experimental setups dedicated to the characterization of optoelectronics and THz devices, THz Tx and Rx for communications. He is author or co-author of more than 110 publications in peer-reviewed international journals or peer reviewed conferences proceedings. He has worked on several ANR and European projects (ITN “MITEPHO” and STREP “ROOTHz”). G. Ducournau is actually the coordinator of COM’TONIQ project (2014-2017), where the main goal is the achievement of a THz system demonstrator based on photonic devices.

Contact Guillaume Ducournau

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