Glauco Fontgalland

Glauco Fontgalland



  • 2027, Term expires at end of, Adcom Elected Members**
  • Assistant Treasurer-Reimbursements (AdCom, DML), Budget Committee, Standing Committees**
  • IMOC, MTT-S Financially Co-Sponsored Conferences, Meetings and Symposia Committee, Standing Committees**
  • Member, Subcommittee: Regional Education Initiative, Education Committee, Standing Committees**
  • R9 Coordinator, Subcommittee: Outstanding Chapter Awards, Member and Geographic Activities Committee, Standing Committees**
  • Region 9, Regional Coordinators, Member and Geographic Activities Committee, Standing Committees**
  • Region 9, Subcommittee: SIGHT, Member and Geographic Activities Committee, Standing Committees**
  • Region 9, Regional Activities, Inter-Society Committee, Standing Committees**
  • Subcommittee: Student Engagement, Member and Geographic Activities Committee, Standing Committees**
  • Vice-Chair, Member and Geographic Activities Committee, Standing Committees**


Glauco Fontgalland (Senior member, IEEE) received his BS’s and MSc. degrees in electronics engineering from University of Campina Grande – UFCG, Brazil, in 1989 and 1993, respectively, and PhD degree in electronics from the Institut National Polytechnique of Toulouse – ENSEEIHT, France, in 1999. His PhD dissertation was nominated for the Leopold Scande Award of the INP-T, France. In 2007, he was visiting professor at ESISAR, Valence, France, and from 2010 to 2012 at ESL/Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA. He chaired the WSIM’10: RFID trends to the future, sponsored by IEEE France and Northeast Brazil Sections, the IEEE/SBMO-IMOC2021, the I EscRFID summer school on RFID technology for agriculture, health, and security, in 2017, and the IMOC Industry Talks, online event, in 2022. In 2015 he became Full Professor at UFCG. He is the head of the Microwave and Applied Electromagnetics group – LEMA. Dr. Fontgalland is an Associate Professor at the University of Mount Union, Alliance, USA. He is the editor of Smart Systems: Theory and Advances (2022) and coauthored Approche Unifiée en Electromagnétisme pour l’Optique, les Micro-Ondes et les Circuits (2017), and autour of two others. He has authored or coauthored more than 250 papers in journals and conferences. He is associate editor of IEEE MWTL and was AE of the IEEE Latin America Transactions. He is the co-inventor of six patents and co-receipt of best papers in many conferences. He advised the student hardware design contest SDC2024 IEEE EMC winner. He is the recipient of the 2019 IET Microwave, Antennas & Propagation Outstanding Reviewer award and IEEE Region 9 Latin America Meritorious Service Award, 2024. His main research interests include microwave circuits, antennas, microwave measurements, and sensors for applications on NGD devices, IoT, UWB, RFID, EMC, WPT, SWIPT, and orbital angular momentum (OAM) antennas. He is an ACES, MTT-S, AP-S, and EMC-S member.

Contact Glauco Fontgalland

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