Elena Blokhina

Elena Blokhina



  • Member, TC-30 Quantum Information Systems and Applications, Technical Committees**


Elena Blokhina is with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of University College Dublin, Ireland, Associate Professor, and with Equal1 Laboratories Ireland, CSO. Prof Blokhina is the past Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems. She was elected to serve on the Board of Governors of the IEEE Circuits and Systems society for the term 2013-2015 and 2016-2018. She served as Deputy Editor in Chief of IEEE TCAS-I (2018-2021), Associate Editor for IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems I (2016-2017), IEEE Access (2017) and other journals. She has served as a reviewer, programme committee member and organising committee member for many international journals and conferences on electronics, physics and quantum electronics. Her research interests include semiconductor devices, quantum computing, quantum dots, semiconductor qubits and microelectronic systems.

Contact Elena Blokhina

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