Dale H. Claxton


  • 1978, Microwave Application Award, Past Awardees**


Dale H. Claxton was born in Stapleton, Staten
Island, New York, on June 11, 1943. He received the
B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering
from U.C.L.A. in 1972 and 1974, respectively. He
joined TRW Defense and Space Systems Group in April
1973, and is currently a Section Head in the Microwave Technology Department of the Communications and
Antennas Laboratory. Since joining TRW, he has been
involved in the research and development clf microwave devices, circuits and subsystems for high performance communications systems. Areas of past and
current research include broadband low no~.se IMPATT,
bipolar and FET VCOS, bipolar transistor analog integrated circuits, GSAS transferred electron logic
devices and FETs, high speed digital and analog GSAS
integrated circuits, and the systems applications of
the above.
Mr. Claxton is a member of Tau Beta P5L and the
Electron Devices, Solid State Circuits and Microwave Theory and Techniques Societies of the IE

Contact Dale H. Claxton

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