Charlotte Blair

Charlotte Blair


Ansys Inc.


  • Topic Editor, JMW Editors, Journal of Microwaves, Publications**
  • Working Group Events, Subcommittee: Women in Microwaves (WiM), Member and Geographic Activities Committee, Standing Committees**


Charlotte Blair, PhD. is a Technical Support Manager for ANSYS Inc. She received her BS in Electrical Engineering at Rutgers-College of Engineering and her MS and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from New Jersey Institute of Technology. She has supported electromagnetics simulations using industry known tools for over ten years. Her real world experience extends from the design of laser diode transmit modules for Lytel/Lockheed to design of filters for wireless communications applications at Celwave/RFS. She is a professional, self-motivated team player committed to excellence with hands-on RF, microwave, and laser-optic experience; strong field service, customer service, project management and communication skills.

With Maryam Rahmani, Charlotte serves as the Technical Co-Chair for the IEEE R1 & R2 Women in Engineering (WIE) Forum East. Charlotte also serves as the IEEE Connecticut Section Chair for the local Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) and WIE Chapter as well as the IEEE Region 1 Women In Engineering Chair and IEEE HKN representative.

Contact Charlotte Blair

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