Bela Szendrenyi


  • 2018, N. Walter Cox Award, Past Awardees**


Bela Szendrenyi has provided meritorious service to the MTT Society through his enthusiastic and unselfish efforts serving as MTT chapter officer, MTT AdCom Secretary, as a leader of the MTT MGA committee and as a significant contributor to several IMS organizing committees. For over a decade prior to his election to MTT AdCom or any official MTT committee appointment, Bela rendered exceptional efforts in support of MTT membership, chapters and events.

Throughout his years of service, Bela has encouraged volunteer cooperation and participation in our Society’s meetings, events, chapter activities, and publications. He has painstakingly collected member feedback at dozens of our conferences and through several membership surveys. He has represented the collected member concerns to MTT AdCom and governing committees and he has worked to develop programs and initiatives to better serve our members based on this feedback. His positive and enthusiastic attitude is incomparable in the MTT Society, and his spirit of membership camaraderie is unparalleled. Bela Szendrenyi embraces diversity, serves as a positive role model and motivates and inspires MTT members. He is a very valuable asset to the MTT Society.

Contact Bela Szendrenyi

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