Arthur Morris

Arthur Morris


CTO, wiSpry, Inc.


  • Member, TC-20 HF-VHF-UHF TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS, Technical Committees**
  • Member, TC-6 RF MEMS AND MICROWAVE ACOUSTICS, Technical Committees**


Dr. Art Morris hs been a scientist/engineer focused on physical electronics and electromagnetic fields for over 40 years.
He has advanced device technologies in TWTs, HBTs and MEMS as well as developed products for markets ranging from high voltage instrumentation to broadband communication systems.

Art joined Microcosm Technologies (now Coventor) in 1999 to help the transition of MEMS out of the lab and into products for RF and optical applications. Since the spin-out of wiSpry in 2002, he has been CTO and VP Engineering leading the development of high-value integrated commercial RF products utilizing MEMS and microstructures.

Art is a Fellow of the IEEE and an adjunct professor at Colorado School of Mines.

Contact Arthur Morris

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