Anisha Apte

Anisha Apte


  • Member, TC-10 Signal Generation and Frequency Conversion, Technical Committees**
  • Region 1-6, Subcommittee: SIGHT, Member and Geographic Activities Committee, Standing Committees**


Anisha Apte graduated in Instrumentation and Control Engineering from The Savitribai Phule University of Pune, College of Engineering Pravaranagar, India; MSEE (Master of Electrical Engineering) from NJIT (New Jersey Institute of Technology NJ, USA; and Doctorate (Dr.-Ing.) from BTU (Brandenburg Technical University) Cottbus, Germany. Previously, she worked at Hindustan Instruments, Pune in 1993 and then as a Production and Testing Engineer at Ultraline Instruments from 1994-1997 she then joined Discovery Semiconductors, New Jersey, USA in 2001. She joined the Synergy Microwave team in 2003, and after pursuing her Master’s degree, returned to Synergy in 2011. For the last 10 years, she has been involved in designing signal generation and signal processing electronics, reference frequency standards, Metamaterial Resonators for signal source applications. Dr. Apte has published over dozen papers in IEEE conferences and journals, received several awards for her scientific contributions in the field of frequency sources for industrial, medical and space applications.

Dr. Apte is a dedicated IEEE volunteer, currently serving as the Editor of the IEEE North Jersey Section Newsletter, Editor of the IEEE AP-S Magazine COPE Column, Vice-Chair-2 of the IEEE AP-S COPE Committee, Co-Chair of IEEE North Jersey Section SIGHT Group, Vice Chair of the IEEE North Jersey Section MTT/AP Chapter, IEEE R1-R6 Chapter activity committee coordinator of the Antenna & Propagation Society, and Region 1 Coordinator IEEE MTT Young Professionals. She is an elected AdCom member for the term 2022-2024 of the IEEE AP-S. She is the recipient 2021 and 2012 IEEE Region 1 – Support for IEEE Mission Award for Outstanding contributions to the IEEE North Jersey Section.

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