Andreas Schiessl


  • 2013, Microwave Prize, Past Awardees**


Andreas Schiessl received the Dipl.-Ing. (M.Sc.) degree (with honors) in electrical engineering from the Dresden University of Technology (TUD), Dresden, Germany, in 2008, and is currently working toward the Dr.-Ing. degree in cooperation with the University of Erlangen–Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany. From May 2008 to May 2011, he was a Research and Development Engineer with the Network Analyzers Department, Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG, Munich, Germany.

He is currently with the newly founded Microwave Imaging Department, Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG. He has coauthored several conference and journal papers in the topic of millimeter-wave technology. His research interest is in the area of millimeter-wave technology, focusing on millimeter-wave imaging systems, millimeter-wave measurement technology, and millimeter-wave production technology. Mr. Schiessl was the recipient of the 2010 Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG Innovation Award

Contact Andreas Schiessl

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