Andre Vander Vorst


  • 2004, Microwave Career Award, Past Awardees**


Andre Vander Vorst was horn in Brussels, Belgium, in 1935. He received the degrees of Electrical and
Mechanical Engineer in 1958 and the Ph.D. degree in Applied Sciences in 1965, from the Universitt catholique
de Louvain, Belgium. In 1965, he received the MSc. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, USA. He is associated with the Universitt catholique de Louvain, U.C.L., where he
became assistant in 1958, assistant professor in 1962, associate professor in 1968, professor in 1972, and professor emeritus in 2001.
From 1958 to 1964, he worked on fast switching of magnetic cores. With a NATO fellowship, he was in the
US from 1964 to 1966, first at M.I.T., then at Stanford University, both in the field of radio astronomy. In
1966, he founded the Microwave Laboratory at UCL, Belgium, which he has been heading until 2001, starting
with research on loaded waveguides and cavities. The laboratory is conducting reseatch on atmospheric transmission and diffraction up to 300 GHz, designing and measuring active and passive circuits up to 100 GHz,
and biomicrowaves.
He was Head of the Electrical Engineering Department from 1970 to 1972, Dean of Engineering from 1972 to
1975, Vice-president of the Academic Council from 1973 to 1975, President of the Open School in Economic
and Social Politics from 1973 to 1987, all at UCL, Belgium. He has been teaching in four Belgian universities.
He is or has been a member of the National Committee of URSI and of various committees on communications,
microwaves, and education. He is or has been active in IEEE Region 8 and MT7-S as well as in the European
Microwave Conferences. He is a founder member of a number of associations, including social and cultural associations, in particular the European Microwave Association. He is a cofounder and scientific advisor of the
company Microwave Circuits and Systems, MiC6. He has authored or coauthored six book;, several chapters, and
a variety of scientific and technical papers in international journals and proceedings. He is a member ofAcademia
Europaea and The Electromagnerics Academy He has obtained the Sitel prize 1986, the meritorious service
award ofthe Microwave Theory and Technique Society, I.E.E.E. 1994, and the IEEE Third Millennium Medal,
2000. He is a fellow of the I.E.E.E. 1985 for his contributions in atmospheric microwave propagation, satellite
communication earth station design, and numerical analysis of microwave components.

Contact Andre Vander Vorst

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