Al Clavin was elected to the MTT-S Administrative Committee in 1967 and served as Chairman of the Operating Committee and Editor of the MTT Newsletter. In the latter capacity, he was responsible for initiating the MTT Committees Directory. Al also served as the Chairman of the Membership Services Committee and was elected Vice-President in 1971 and President of the Society in 1972. Al Clavin has served on the Technical Program Committee for many of the MTT Symposia and, when the International Microwave Symposium was held in Boulder, Colorado in 1973, he was its keynote speaker. Mr. Clavin has also been Publicity Committee Chairman for the 1970 Microwave Symposium and Chairman of the Steering Committee for the 1981 MTT-S Symposium. Al has served as the MTT Society’s representative to the IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB) and has been a member of the MTT Society Awards Committee and the President’s Advisory Committee under several Society Presidents. Mr. Clavin is a Fellow of the IEEE. The Microwave Theory and Techniques Society has awarded Al Clavin the MIT Certificate of Recognition and its Distinguished Service Certificate. In addition, Al Ciavin has served as Vice-Chairman and Chairman of the Los Angeles Chapter of the Microwave Theory and Techniques Society. Al Clavin’s technical career began in 1948 as a member of the technical staff of Hughes Aircraft Company, Culver City, California after receiving the B.S.E. E. from the University of California at Los Angeles as a Hughes Fellow also in 1948. His duties included the design of radomes, antennas, and other microwave components. Mr. Clavin received the M. S.E. E. in 1954, also on a Hughes Fellowship and also from UCLA. In 1956, he helped found Rantec Corporation, Calabasas, California, where he served as Manager of the Microwave Department and a Corporate Director. He rejoined the Hughes Aircraft Company, Missile Systems Division in 1966 and became the Manager of the Radar Laboratory. In 1981, Mr. Clavin was appointed Manager of the Technology Development Staff in the Missile Development Division. Al Clavin retired from Hughes Aircraft Company on July 1, 1983 at the “old age” of 59 years, 14 days.