Alaa Abunjaileh

Alaa Abunjaileh


Airbus, UK


  • 2020, Past Presidents, Ex-Officio Members**
  • 2020, Immediate Past Presidents, Ex-Officio Members**
  • Advisor (non-voting), Budget Committee, Standing Committees**
  • IEEE TAB Liaison, Member, Inter-Society Committee, Standing Committees**
  • Member, ISMA Excom, Meetings and Symposia Committee, Standing Committees**
  • Member, TC-29 MICROWAVE AEROSPACE SYSTEMS, Technical Committees**


Alaa Abunjaileh has a First Class Honours degree and PhD degree in Microwave Engineering from the University of Leeds, UK. Between 2005-2011 he was a Research Fellow at the University of Leeds where he was involved in industrial and academic projects with UK Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), TDK Europe and Selex Galileo. In 2011 he moved to Airbus Defence and Space as Principal Engineer, he has been working on the design and development of next generation communications satellites front/end systems, and represents Airbus by working with Satellite operators on future multimillion dollar satellite missions. The process involves technical planning and negotiations.

Dr. Abunjaileh was the Operations Director for EuMW2011 in Manchester, he was the Finance Chair for the first IEEE MTT-S Conference in India, IMaRC 2013, IMaRC2014 and General Chair for IMaRC2015/2017. He was the TPC Chair for EuMIC2016 in London. He has published papers in the IEEE MTT Conferences, MTT Transactions, Microwave Magazine and Microwave Letters. He is a Chartered Engineer and Senior Member of the IEEE.


  • MTT-S AdCom Secretary 2011
  • MTT-S TCC Vice Chair 2012/2017
  • MTT-S Education Committee Vice Chair 2012-2014
  • MTT-S Budget Committee Assistant Treasurer 2013-2014
  • MTT-S MGA Committee Member 2014
  • MTT-S IMaRC Executive Committee 2015-
  • MTT-S Budget Committee, Treasurer 2016-2018
  • MTT-S Budget Committee, Chair 2019
  • EuMW2011 Operations Director
  • EuMW2016 EuMIC TPC Chair
  • IMaRC2013 Finance Chair
  • IMaRC2014 Finance Chair
  • IMaRC2015 General Co-Chair
  • IMaRC2017 General Co-Chair

Dr. Abunjaileh brings a diverse experience in engineering, research, development, international project management and collaboration. Recent Courses:

  • 2018, Persuasion and Influence Skills, Airbus Group, Hamburg, Germany.
  • 2017, International Negotiations, Airbus Group, Toulouse, France.
  • 2016, Contract Negotiations, Airbus Group, Filton, UK.
  • 2016, Future Leader Programme, Airbus Group, Stevenage, UK.
  • 2015, Project Management, iPMC, Hitchin, UK.
  • 2015, Advanced Negotiation and Persuasion Skills, Canning Int’l, Toulouse, France
  • 2013, Programme Risk and Organisation Management, EADS Astrium, Stevenage, UK.
Contact Alaa Abunjaileh

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