Ahmed A. Kishk (S’84–M’86–SM’90–F’98) received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, in 1977, the B.S. degree in applied mathematics from Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, in 1980, and the M.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, in 1983 and 1986, respectively. In 1981 he joined the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Manitoba.
From 1977 to 1981, he was a Research Assistant and an Instructor with the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University. From 1981 to 1985, he was a Research Assistant with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Manitoba. From December 1985 to August 1986, he was a Research Associate Fellow with the same department. In 1986, he joined the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Mississippi, University, as an Assistant Professor. In the summer of 1989, he was a Visiting Research Scientist with the Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, ON, Canada. From 1994 to 1995, he was on sabbatical leave at the Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden. Since 1995, he has been a Professor with the University of Mississippi. His research interest include the areas of design of millimeter-frequency feeds for parabolic reflectors, dielectric resonator antennas, microstrip antennas, small antenna feeds for parabolic reflectors, mobile satellite antennas, phased-array antennas, and computer-aided design for antennas. He has authored or co-authored over 230 journal and conference papers and technical reports. He co-authored Microwave Horns and Feeds book (London, U.K.,: IEE Press, 1994; Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 1994) and Handbook of Microstrip Antennas (Peregrinus: Stevenage, U.K., 1989, ch. 2). He was a co-guest editor of the “Special Issue on Advances in the Application of the Method of Moments to Electromagnetic Scattering Problems” of the ACES Journal. Since March 1997, he has been an Editor of the ACES Journal and is currently its Editor-in-Chief. He was an associate editor of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine (1990–1993) and is currently its editor.
Dr. Kishk is a member of Sigma Xi and Phi Kappa Phi Society. He is a member of the U.S. National Committee of International Union of Radio Science (URSI) Commission B, the Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society, and the Electromagnetic Academy. He is chair of the Physics and Engineering Division, Mississippi Academy of Science. He is a Fellow of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (IEEE AP-S) and the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (IEEE MTT-S). He was the recipient of the 1995 Outstanding Paper Award for a paper published in the Applied Computational Electromagnetic Society Journal. He was also the recipient of the 1997 Outstanding Engineering Educator Award presented by the Memphis Section of the IEEE.