MTT-S Volunteer Spotlight
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
RWW 2025 General Chair
How many years have you been an MTT-S member?
I am an MTT-S member since the first day as IEEE member starting back 18 years ago! OMG, I am getting old 😊!
How did you start volunteering with MTT-S?
Volunteering for MTT-S comes with different activities. I started organizing workshops at multiple IMS conferences. At an RWW some years back, I was acting as judge for the student paper contest. As this was a great experience for me, I took over responsibility for the paper contest at RWW and developed it to the format we have today. After several years as student paper contest chair, I was asked to take more responsibilities for RWW, what I happily did, culminating in this year’s role as general chair.
What has been your favorite volunteer activity in MTT-S?
There is not a single role I would like to highlight. I love to support students and young professionals in their personal development. That was also the starting point for my “MTT-S career”. I want to continue my activities there and help to develop the MTT society to be attractive for your people.
What are you looking forward to at RWW 2025?
I am looking forward to many great discussions with colleagues and friends. RWW was and hopefully will ever be the conference to meet colleagues and friends for intensive discussions covering all topics not only technical ones. I am also eager to see what the elevator pitches at this year’s paper competition will highlight.
What advice would you give to someone who is interested in becoming a volunteer with MTT-S?
Don’t hesitate to start your involvement. Volunteering with MTT-S is working with great persons and brought many great moments to my career.