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Full-Duplex Chip Will Create a Wireless Bandwidth Bonanza
Today’s radio technology has almost nothing in common with its counterpart from a century ago. Countless advances have produced gear that is fantastically smaller, more reliable, and more efficient in its use of power and bandwidth. And yet, one enormous limitation remains from long ago: Radios still can’t transmit and receive on the same frequency at the same time.
Full duplex capability would be a great advance for wireless. It would in one fell swoop double a network’s capacity. At a time when unused radio-frequency spectrum has already been mined to near extinction and demands for data are increasing—and with emerging 5G networks targeting a 1,000-fold increase in data flows—full-duplex wireless has become a holy grail in the search for a way to ease the spectrum crunch.
5G 3-D Millimeter-Wave Statistical Channel Model for 5G Wireless System Design
A 3-D statistical channel impulse response (IR) model for urban line of sight (LOS) and non-LOS channels, developed from 28- and 73-GHz ultrawideband propagation measurements, faithfully reproduces realistic IRs of measured urban channels for air interface design of mmWave transceivers, filters, and antenna arrays.
MEETINGS European Microwave Week (EuMW), London, 3-7 October
The 19th European Microwave Week (EuMW) meetings, produced by the European Microwave Association and the EuMW Committee, come to London’s ExCel convention center 3-7 October 2016, with sessions and exhibitions for microwave, RF, radar and wireless technology. event. See below for affiliated meetings.
MEETINGS 46th European Microwave Conference (EuMC), London, 3-7 October 2016
From 3-7 October, after more than 20 years, 46th European Microwave Conference (EuMC) returns to London, UK. The program includes 49 EuMC and 12 joint Technical Sessions, 15 Workshops, 2 Short Courses, 3 Special Sessions, a Special Event, and the Student Challenge.
MEETINGS 11th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC), London, 3-4 October
The 11th EuMIC conference to be held in London on October 3rd and 4th, jointly organized by the GAAS Association and EuMA, features original research findings and novel applications, including GaN devices, RF CMOS/BiCMOS components, novel graphene-based devices, and more traditional III-V technology.
MEETINGS 13th European Radar Conference (EuRAD), London, October
The three-day 13th European Radar Conference (EuRAD 2016) during EuMW offers more than 100 papers covering topics that including; MIMO and networked radar, millimetre and THz radar, electronic scanned array design, and multibeam antennas and beamforming networks.
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy for Depression
Noninvasive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) uses transient, high-strength pulsed magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain as a means of improving symptoms of depression or other psychiatric diseases resistant to drug therapy.
SOCIETY October 15 Deadline for 2017 MTT-S Scholarships
The IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society offers financial assistance to graduate, undergraduate, and pregraduate students. Applications for assistance int 2017 are due by October 15, 2016
5G Distance-Aware Bandwidth-Adaptive THz Systems
This distance-aware bandwidth-adaptive resource allocation scheme uses the terahertz spectrum more efficiently, offering 10 Gb/s at 4 m in the multipath channel, 100 Gb/s is achieved up to 21 m in line-of-sight transmission, and up to thirteen simultaneous 100 Gb/s links.
MEETINGS 1 August Deadline for 2016 MMS Papers
16th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS2016):
The MMS2016 paper submission deadline has been extended to 1 August 2016. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and, upon paying the registration fees and presenting the paper, will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Submissions will be evaluated based on novelty, significance of the work, technical content, and interest to the audience.
SPECTROSCOPY Measuring Gas Temperature in Highly Particle Laden Flow by THz Spectroscopy
Two terahertz (THz) spectroscopy methods for measuring gas temperature: using the area ratio of two water vapor absorbance peaks, and using the relative time delay of the THz signal. Both methods apply where high particle loading would block traditional laser signals.
SOCIETY Microwave Engineering, from the Designer’s Perspective
In May, the IEEE MTT-S American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) Student Branch Chapter and IEEE Young Professionals Bangladesh collaborated to host a seminar on Microwave Engineering, making it possible for students and prospective researchers to interact with the leaders in the field.
MEETINGS U.S., Japanese Groups Tie for Best Industry Paper at IMS2016
The IMS2016 Technical Program Committee named co-winners of the Best Industry Paper award, naming “7kW GaN W-Band Transmitter,” submitted by Raytheon RMS, et al., and “Demonstration of 20-Gbps Wireless Data Transmission at 300 GHz for KIOSK Instant Data Downloading Applications with InP MMICs ,“ by NTT Device Technology Laboratories, et al.