Currently, there is a 50% discount for New members joining IEEE for the first time and Former members rejoining after more than two years of lapsed membership
In India, IEEE membership fees are now:
- Undergraduate Students: $7
- Graduate Students: $13.50
- Professional Members: $87.50
In the US, the fees are:
- Undergraduate Students: $16
- Graduate Students: $16
- Professional Members: $114.50
MTT-S membership rates:
- Students: $0.50
- Professionals: $7.50
Check membership rates for your country at: IEEE Membership Dues.
The IEEE MTT-Society is an active, diverse, dynamic and welcoming group of professionals committed to furthering scientific understanding and applications to industry and society within its field of interest. Our highly-regarded publications, conferences, presentations, educational initiatives, and regional support provide you with excellent quality access to information in high frequency engineering and great opportunities to network as well as to grow your career. We have some 14,000 members worldwide organized in over 350 Chapters – very likely one located near you. Membership of MTT-S immediately connects you with this global network.
By joining now you receive immediate access to the following benefits:
One of the most important benefits of being an MTT-S member is the opportunity it provides for volunteer networking. This is especially true for members who choose to volunteer to support publishing and event organizing. Member volunteers gain opportunities to work and cooperate with other technical professionals outside their own organizations. Through event planning they often interact with microwave experts from all over the world. The contacts they make and information they get from these interactions are often extremely valuable to them as they navigate their career in the microwave industry.
Furthermore, the MTT-S Chapter structure allows you to meet with other professionals in your own geographic area and listen to excellent talks delivered by world-leading experts through our Distinguished Microwave Lecturer Program. Chapters organize many other activities and events.
Access to all of the Society’s publications. These include both a print and electronic subscription to the award-winning IEEE Microwave Magazine, which includes refereed technical articles of broad interest to the microwave community, focused columns by leading professionals in our field, and news and announcements of events and publications vital to microwave professionals. You also receive electronic access to the full range of Society Journals, including the IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory & Techniques, IEEE Microwave & Wireless Components Letters, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science & Technology, IEEE Journal on Multiscale & Multiphysics Computational Techniques, Journal of Lightwave Technology, IEEE RFID Virtual Journal and the IEEE RFIC Virtual Journal. In addition you have e-access to the MTT-S Conference Digital Library. In addition, MTT-S members are given discounts for overlength charges for journal publications, for instance, $185 per page for papers having one MTT-S member and $230 per page if no author is an MTT-S member for the mandatory overlength page charge for the IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques in excess of 7 pages.
MTT-S also provides to its members a Newsletter as well as access to webinars through its Education Activities.
Since 2001, IEEE Press has published its works jointly with John Wiley & Sons, bringing the work of IEEE authors to the worldwide technology community. Books are published in many different formats such as e-books, online books, Amazon Kindle and are available through IEEE Xplore, John Wiley’s web site and Amazon as well as other online retail outlets. IEEE Members receive a 15% discount on these titles.
MTT-S sponsors over 50 conferences and workshops of varying size in every part of the world. As an IEEE/MTT-S member you receive a substantial discount on registration fees for all the MTT-S sponsored conferences and other organized events. MTT-S hosts the annual International Microwave Symposium (IMS) the world’s leading conference in high frequency technology combining high quality scientific presentations with a large industry exhibition and industry-oriented events. Member registration discounts for the MTT-Society’s International Microwave Symposium are typically over 30%.
For a member who chooses to participate in several of the conference, workshops, short courses, and social events, the discount on registration fees can be greater than the cost of MTT-Society membership for a year.
Stay connected and keep your communication safe with GoogleApps@IEEE, available to members at no additional cost. Members gain a robust capability for messaging with access to email, calendar, and contact services from any Internet-connected computer. In addition, members have access to Google Drive, Google+, and Picasa. With the use of these services there are varying degrees of privacy.
Users have access to:
A unique IEEE email address (e.g.,
Mail forwarding or email inbox (Gmail)
30 gigabytes of shared storage (Gmail and Google Drive)
99.9 percent up time guaranteed by Google
Advertisement-free Gmail
Storage of files in the cloud for easy sharing and access from anywhere via Google Drive
IEEE is the world’s largest technical society, bringing Members access to the industry’s most essential technical Information, networking opportunities, career development tools, and many other exclusive benefits. The IEEE Benefits of Membership web pages provide a listing and description of a number of other specific products and services offered exclusively to IEEE members. One benefit that is found to be very valuable to many members is the opportunity to purchase low, group rate insurance though IEEE Insurance Services.
As MTT-S celebrated its 70th anniversary in 2022, we would like to recognize the IEEE members who have been MTT-S members for 50 or more years.