Information for Authors
Paper Quality Criteria
Note that the editor-in-chief and topic editors pre-screen manuscripts immediately after they are submitted and before they are transmitted to referees for evaluation. The purpose of such pre-screening is to verify that the manuscript adheres to minimum criteria set forth by IEEE, as well as by the IEEE MTT Society, and the Transactions editor-in-chief. Typical pre-screening measures include the following:
- The author(s) have followed the IEEE guidelines for style;
- The author(s) have not obviously violated IEEE policies;
- The article is comprehensible and meets acceptable standards of English;
- The subject and contents of the article meet the scope of the periodical or a specific issue. In this case, is the article of interest to the THz-community;
- The article meets a minimum criterion for technical substance established for the periodical, in this case:
- New and original articles describing significant work and/or ideas not found elsewhere in the literature;
- The Transactions does not accept incremental submissions. All related previous work by the authors must be referenced, even if it was presented in conference;
- Theory, measurements, and simulations should be supported by careful comparisons.
Authors should put their work in a context and citing relevant work by others. For instance, authors should cite the most recent papers when comparing performance or characteristics to prior papers. Hence, discuss relevant publications in the introduction and distinguish the new results you present in your current manuscript from those found in previous publications. While there is not a specific criterion that must be met, such as 60% new technical material, the reviewers are asked to determine if the paper provides “sufficient new technical material to justify a new paper” when compared to all previously published papers. This standard must be met by all papers, including papers that are submitted to conference special issues. Please note that the general view is that multiple part papers should be avoided. A paper (or each part) needs to meet all the criteria above, including validation, and stand on its own. Points of attention related to contents:
- Authors must ensure that their method section includes adequate experimental and characterization data necessary for others in the field to reproduce their work. Please note that it is also possible to supplement your article with multimedia materials.
- A photograph of any component must be included or measurement set-up in the case of papers on characterization techniques.
- All papers describing components should include a table that compares the performance to components in the literature.
- Whenever possible, theory and corresponding experimental results should be printed on the same graph for easy comparison.
- You should include essential information in the caption. If the figure is repeated or is similar to figures that have appeared elsewhere, please add “From [X].”, “After [X].”, or “Data from [X].” to figure captions, as appropriate, where X refers to the prior publication.
- Never use acronyms in the title or abstract of your paper and use acronyms sparingly. Avoid jargon – not necessary leaving out technical terms but make sure your language is as clear as possible.
- Please do not use the same title for your conference and TTST submission.
- Each reference cited must have a complete list of authors (no et al.), complete titles, first and last pages numbers, month and year. In addition, authors are required to include the Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
Article Submission
- All articles must be submitted via our submission site at
- Format your article for submission by using the IEEE Transactions article template. The minimum page length for this publication and regular paper is 4 pages, excluding the authors’ photos and biographies. Short papers of three pages or less should be submitted as THz Letters. The article template can be used to estimate your article’s number of formatted pages, but the final count will be calculated by IEEE Publishing Operations after article acceptance.
- Submit your article text in PDF format. Visit for information on writing the abstract, using equations in your article, publishing author names in native languages, and more.
- Submit your figures individually in PS, EPS, PDF, PNG, or TIF format. Visit for information on resolution, size requirements, file naming conventions, and more.
- For information on submitting supplementary material such as graphical abstracts, multimedia, or datasets, visit
Article Template
Format your article for submission by using the Transactions article template, located at Word and LaTeX versions are available.
It is the policy of the IEEE to own the copyright to the technical contributions it publishes on behalf of the interests of the IEEE, its authors, and their employers, and to facilitate the appropriate reuse of this material by others. To comply with the U.S. copyright law, authors are required to sign an IEEE Copyright Form before publication. Visit for more information.
Share Your Code and Data
Increase the impact of your work by sharing your code and data for others to view, build upon, and reuse. IEEE works with Code Ocean, a cloud-based computational reproducibility platform, to make your code discoverable. IEEE DataPort, an online data repository of datasets and data analysis tools, makes your datasets discoverable. Visit for more information.
English Language Editing Services
English language editing services can help refine the language of your article and reduce the risk of rejection without review. IEEE authors are eligible for a 10% discount at American Journal Experts; visit to learn more. Please note these services are fee-based and do not guarantee acceptance.
All IEEE authors are expected to adhere to IEEE’s publishing ethics, including the definition of authorship, the appropriate citation of sources, the accurate reporting of data, and the publishing of original research. Visit to learn more. All articles submitted for publication should be original and not under consideration elsewhere. If your article is based on a previous publication such as a conference proceeding, cite the original publication and clearly indicate how the articles differ. We will consider papers that are related to material published in conference digests only if the paper is substantially expanded. Please upload PDF files of the previous papers where indicated. Contact the editor-in-chief with any questions on publishing ethics.
IEEE Author Tools
Preparing your article for submission is easy with IEEE Author Tools. Tools are available to help you find the right publication for your research, check the quality of your graphics, validate your LaTeX files, and verify your reference list. Visit for more information.
Open Access
The IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology publication is a hybrid journal, allowing either traditional article submission or open access (author-pays OA) article submission. Upon submission, if you choose to have your article be an open access article, you commit to paying an open access fee if your article is accepted for publication in order to enable unrestricted public access. Visit for more information on open access fees. No OA payment is required for traditional submission. The published article will be available to qualified subscribers and purchasers via IEEE Xplore®.
All IEEE journals require an Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) for all authors. ORCID is a persistent unique identifier for researchers and functions similarly to an article’s Digital Object Identifier (DOI). You will need a registered ORCID to submit an article or review a proof in this journal. Learn more about ORCID at and sign up for an ORCID at
If your article is accepted for publication, you will receive emailed instructions regarding your next steps. You may be asked to upload final production-ready files. Shortly after final files are uploaded, you will receive your article proofs for final review, along with instructions on how to review your proofs and submit any corrections. Please note that major changes to your article, including the list of references, are not permitted after the article is accepted for publication. Please contact the editor-in-chief if you have any doubts about whether a modification you wish to make is appropriate.
Article Processing Charges
Upon acceptance of an article for publication, you or your institution will be asked to pay a voluntary page charge of US$110 per page to cover part of the cost of publication.
The mandatory overlength page charge of $200 per page applies to each page in excess of 8 pages. Note that there is an option of Open Access when submitting the manuscript.
Your article may incur article processing charges for overlength page charges, color printing, or open access. Visit for more information. Details on any applicable charges will accompany your article proofs.
The articles in this journal are peer reviewed in accordance with the requirements set forth in the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board Operations Manual ( Each published article was reviewed by a minimum of two independent reviewers using a single-blind peer review process, where the identities of the reviewers are not known to the authors, but the reviewers know the identities of the authors.