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February 23-26, 2025 in Dubai, UAE

Mobile or even miniaturized THz devices enable novel applications in areas such as imaging, counting, localizing cells in our vessels and organs by miniaturized THz receiver arrays, recording of body and indirectly even muscle movements or detecting of plant and insect interactions by miniaturized THz radars, detecting and localizing bacteria and viruses in our environment or the composition of gases in space by miniaturized THz spectroscopy, dynamically mapping or testing materials in our environment with mobile THz reflectometry, transmitting data at extremely high rates or connecting a multitude of IoT devices by mobile THz communication.

Therefore, ICM²TS focuses on the numerous scientific challenges of various applications through successive miniaturization. Contributions from universities, research institutions, companies, visionaries and lateral thinkers are welcome to make the vision of smart dust through THz a reality.